We thank God for our 2016 Conference where He visited us in every service!  We bless God for His faithfulness and for knowing us better than we know ourselves. We know we’re not perfect, and even though we try to please God, still sometimes we allow interference to become a struggling match for us. Our topic this month, “I ALMOST GOT DISTRACTED!” speaks of the warfare in this flesh. The battle is not in the distraction, but it’s in how long we allow the enemy to hold us captive to whatever it is that has us distracted.

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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From the desk of Dr. Watkins…….

Distraction is one of the enemy’s main tactics. If he can get us distracted he can bring issues that may possibly throw us off course; but since we know this…….as Believers we have to be pro-active and do what we know to do in our efforts to fight against the wiles of the devil.  Our topic this month is, “FOCUS ON YOUR PRAISE!”  It doesn’t matter what all is going on around you NEVER allow the enemy to distract you with the methods that he uses. His games are old now, it’s the same old thing………just a different day!  We have to make him know our main purpose is to please God.  PRAISE WILL ALWAYS GET GOD’S ATTENTION!!

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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In this world of ups and downs we will all run into people that put on ways that are NOT sincere, that’s a given. Some are better at hiding what they really think and feel, than are others. Our topic this month, THE FACE OF PRETENSE,” goes into detail of the things that we will encounter in our walk with God. PRETENSE is a false appearance or action intended to deceive. The Bible teaches us to utilize wisdom and to always be aware of the spirits that we entertain. We can tell if that spirit is negative and we have to handle it in the appropriate manner……always being prayerful; because the intention of the enemy is to DECEIVE.

  Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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“We can all relate to problems or issues that we have to deal with, and how many times, the “nighttime” is the worse time. Whether it’s a sickness, depression or even financial situations……it all seems to be worse during the night.  Our topic this month, “IN YOUR NIGHT SEASON” talks about how the enemy deals with us, mentally and emotionally when we’re less active and we’re not busy doing this, that and the other occupying our thoughts. We can all testify that in this life there will be periods of time that we’ll have to endure the agony; that period when nothing we do seems to go right – but all we have to do is endure and remember, God is faithful to HIS WORD!”

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Praise The Lord!

It’s February and many people view this month as one that deals with the heart since it is considered Valentine’s Day month. But we’re not talking about matters of the heart from a human standpoint, our focus is on a matter that goes on every day of the year; it’s the Praise that we render unto God. Our topic this month, “THE INTENSITY OF PRAISE ” involves that part of our heart that a man or a woman can’t touch!  We give God praise because He’s good all the time. Not only are we to give God praise, but our actions must be focused on the INTENSITY OF PRAISE!  Is there another level that we can reach in our praise? God loves us AT ALL TIMES and the love that He has for us does not depend on human circumstances. Regardless of what we’re DEALING WITH we can always intensify our praise!

God Bless,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Thank God for a brand new year!  While we’re very grateful for all that God has done in 2015, we know with a new year comes new blessings, and also new tests and trials. Our topic this month, “TOO MUCH INVESTED” lets us know that the same God that kept us in years past, is able to keep us this year as well!  God has invested too much in us to let us down now! “God is a good God,should ALWAYS be our testimony!” Regardless of what we endured in 2015, we’re still here and we’re ready for BRAND NEW BLESSINGS !!

God Bless You,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Dr. Sherman Watkins

Praise The Lord from whom all blessings flow……..

It’s almost the end of the year! Seems like this year passed so quickly in comparison to other years. It hardly seems real that we’re getting ready to go into 2016. But through it all, GOD HAS REMAINED A GOOD GOD!!!  Our topic this month, “RESPECT THE PROCESS” deals with LIFE and the realities that we ALL have to face while we’re here on earth. We know, without a doubt that God is too wise to make a mistake, although sometimes the challenges that we must face can cause us, in our human frailty, to question the ways of God. We’re very limited in our ability to understand God’s choices, but we must always RESPECT God’s decisions.

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins


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Praise The Lord!

Have you ever not felt like doing “something” and the more you thought about how much you didn’t want to do it, the easier it was to come up with an excuse as to why you shouldn’t do it?  YES…We’ve all been there.  Our topic this month, “GET BEYOND YOUR EXCUSES” deals with real issues. There are some things that we can excuse ourselves from doing, but there are other things, like the things that God requires, those things can’t be excused just because we don’t feel like doing it. God never requires that we do anything that He hasn’t already empowered us to do – therefore, if He requires that we do it, He knows that we are able – now it’s just a matter of our obedience to Him!


Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins


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Praise The Lord!

We’ve heard people talk about “SET TIME,” all in the church, in the grocery store, etc., everybody talks about “Set Time” because it’s a part of life – and the Bible speaks of it as well. Have you ever wondered “during your waiting period” if God has somehow or the other forgotten about you? Seems like you’ve been waiting on your “Set Time” for a long, long time – and you ponder the question……..God,……Is It My Time YET?  I think if we’re really honest, we will admit that we too have been there in that place of uncertainty, where we wonder whether or not God has FORGOTTEN about us. We think, “well God, how long is long enough now, seems like I’ve been waiting forever for this blessing, and although I’m not trying to run your business, can You just give me a sign of some kind …IS IT MY TIME YET?


God Bless You,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Praise The Lord!

The scriptures make it clear that God hears and answers prayer – yet all of us can testify of the various times that we’ve prayed and asked God for immediate action, yet He didn’t respond right away; for some reason HE CHOSE to delay in His response. This can be very irritating to our flesh but more importantly it can be confusing to our understanding of how God works. We know in our walk with God that we should always set God above our earthly matters; but it’s sometimes more easily said that done because we struggle in our flesh. Our topic this month, A DELAY DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN A DENIAL” speaks of those times that we wrestle to do as the WORD instructs all while fighting against the wiles (enticement) of our mind.  

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies
870 St. Clair Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201



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