We have the testimony that God is able to supply all of our needs. There’s nothing that God can’t do. We can talk to God any time we need to because He neither sleeps or slumbers, He’s always accessible to us. God is our very present help in the time of trouble. We could go on and on talking about the faithfulness of God because He’s just that good! Our topic this month is, "SO NOW….WHAT’S THE ISSUE?" This question focuses on the discontentment of the flesh in one or more areas. Although we know that God can do anything that we ask Him to do yet this flesh is never content. It always finds something else that it needs, wants or desires.
Be Blessed,
Dr. Sherman S. Watkins
Have you ever wondered if we sometimes get on God’s nerves being so ungrateful and always complaining? Just think about it for a minute. Unappreciative people can get on your nerves after a while. You do this, that and the other for them but regardless of what you do they will always want more and more and more, they’re never satisfied. You can bend over backwards for them, give them everything that you have but still they find a reason to complain about SOMETHING! God is a good God; He’s a merciful God, He’s kind and gracious and all the right things but even He can get tired of our foolishness, griping and complaining after a while. Phil. 2:14-15 tells us, "Do ALL THINGS without grumbling or disputing: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world."
We pray about situations and we ask God to intervene and He does just that. Then after that issue is resolved here we come with another issue and we cry and complain…..’God I need You to fix it right now!!’ And on and on we go, first one thing and then another, yet God remains faithful because that’s His character. But as soon as He blesses in one area instead of focusing on the blessing He has already given us, we have a tendency to keep on trying to work God as though it’s all about us. We have to understand that although God is a good God and He’s able to do anything except fail, still He’s not going to jump every time we say jump! Sometimes God will place us on hold because we’ve become greedy with a ‘GIVE ME’ attitude, but we fail to PRAISE God for what He’s already given us. It’s not that God can’t do what we need Him to do but we have to show God that we’re grateful for what He’s already done. God delights in giving us what we need and more but He will sometimes place us on HOLD while He teaches us patience, gratefulness and humility. This flesh has an arrogant way of getting into self if it’s not kept in check. Whenever we give God what He requires through our praise and in our worship He’ll continue to bless us with blessings that we won’t even have room enough to receive. The FAVOR of God can’t even be contained when we fall in line with His requirements. We focus on our own issues because we’re human but God wants us to focus less on our issues and more on the God that is able to do ALL THINGS. God is a LIMITLESS GOD that is able to do anything that needs to be done. The enemy tries to drain us with everyday worries……but God tells us to REST IN HIM. He teaches us the importance of placing our efforts on serving Him and allowing Him to handle the issues of life. The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but God comes to encourage, protect, console and love us like nobody else can. All throughout the Bible we see God handling all kinds of issues. When God saved us He left us without excuses not to be able to prosper and endure. Jesus said, "I’ll never leave you neither will I forsake you." We have no excuse not to make it through whatever life presents because we already have the answer -> God is a Problem Solver all by Himself!