Have you ever been real hungry and you ate a good meal and felt full... yet there was something that you still wanted but you couldn’t figure it out? You had a full course meal and you definitely weren’t hungry but there was an emptiness of some kind that you couldn’t explain. Our topic this month, "I’M FULL BUT I’M STILL NOT SATISFIED" basically focuses on the discontentment of our desires and the warfare with this flesh never being satisfied
Be Blessed,
Dr. Sherman S. Watkins
Have you ever heard somebody say, "I’m not hungry but I want something?" The look on their face may suggest confusion in their mind but what they’re saying is something that we’re all familiar with. Situations may be different nevertheless the overall discontentment is the same - "I’M FULL BUT I’M STILL NOT SATISFIED." This statement alone can lead us in many directions. For some it could be a natural hunger of needing food; for others it could be emotional or even spiritual discontentment. The first question that needs to be clarified is, "what are you referring to?" If you’re the one listening trying to get an understanding, of course you need to dwindle it down to a subject matter. What is it that they already have and what it is that they need? No one can even begin to touch or hold a conversation about a topic that they’re unfamiliar with. I’M FULL BUT I’M STILL NOT SATISFIED suggests ‘a need, want or desire.’
When we view it from a natural standpoint most of the list of things that should make us happy involves possessions (i.e., houses, cars, money, etc.), but various studies have shown that experiences make people much happier than possessions because possessions can make us happy for a short time, but that sort of happiness tends to wear off quickly. The danger with this kind of emotional rollercoaster ride is that it’s easy to get into a cycle of buying more and more possessions just to get a brief spike of happiness from those things; which is then followed by a feeling of emptiness. To better understand it we can look at the way some drugs work – a temporary fix to a permanent need. We could go on and on with various examples of what some call "contentment or happiness," but the truth would remain that there’s still dissatisfaction to be dealt with. The only way to really know what it is that we feel we need is to pray and be willing to look beyond ‘the façade’ of what we put out there for others to see. Of course there is no way to do this without consulting God. Some think, "Why do Christians tend to make every little thing about God?" – But let’s think about it: (1) My life as a Believer is hidden in Christ Jesus so where else should I look, except to God? (2) Who else would I consult with about things that I don’t have an answer to, except God? (3) Who else has the answers to life’s questions, except God? (4) Who is the same, yesterday, today and forever? GOD ALONE. Once we think about it in that light it makes perfect sense to go to the only One that has it all, which is God alone!
There will always be discontentment in this flesh because the flesh is never satisfied…….it always wants more. What we have to do is choose to make our spirit line up with the will of God and let the flesh catch up with the obedience of God. We have to move in the flow of the anointing, regardless of whether the flesh is satisfied or not. God knows our wants, needs and desires so it’s not a sin to want more in various areas of our life – just as long as we keep our priorities straight. John 15:7 tells us, "If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." That’s the Word of God. However, The Timing of God is a whole other subject! The timing is based upon not only our due season but also on our obedience to the will of God. We have to wait with the right attitude and James 1:4 tells us, "Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."