Have you ever experienced a shift in your life – a new season, a time for some things to end or a time for a new beginning in other areas of your life? Have you ever gone through so much that you wonder if things will ever be normal again, or will things ever change? Have you ever wondered why certain things are the way they are and there’s nothing you can do to change them? Of course you have; we all have. You have to be very careful at this time in your life, because people will try their best to fill your thoughts with why you’re going through certain situations, and they will dictate the timing of when you will be released from the test or trial. In all honesty it’s human nature to make an attempt to control our circumstances, but there are seasons in our lives that are appointed by God.
Eccl. 3:1 tells us, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” All Solomon is saying is there are appointed times for specific events to occur in life that are totally out of our control. Time moves without us because “TIME” ultimately belongs to God. ALL things are ruled by God alone because He is sovereign. Our time and God’s timing is not the same. Even in speaking the world into existence, everything moved according to God’s design. God said, “LET THERE BE” and it was so. No matter how devastating, how intense or even how meek the season, there is a reason behind every activity of each season in our life. Solomon expressed it well in Eccle. 3:2, “A time to be born and a time to die.” è ALL THINGS ARE DETERMINED BY GOD’S TIMING. God has impeccable timing, but it’s our flesh that has a problem with the WAITING PROCESS. We hate to WAIT because waiting takes away our control – we can’t determine how much TIME is enough!! We want God to move now. We want God to rescue us from this waiting process because it seems to be dragging on and on………. IT’S IRRITATING TO KEEP WAITING WHEN WE KNOW GOD CAN RESOLVE THE MATTER RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE’S GOD!!!
It’s crazy how we respect God enough to KNOW that He’s able to do it, but WE don’t want to wait on His timing. We go through every excuse in the world not to wait – but all you can do with WAIT, is WAIT on it! You can’t rush WAIT and you sure can’t control THE TIMING OF WAITING and still be in right standing with God. God requires not only that we WAIT, but He wants us to WAIT RIGHT, on Him; WAIT with a good attitude and RESPECT the process of our ordained WAIT. We have to TRUST God’s appointed time and know that when it’s all said and done, God will bring our promise to pass. The enemy’s job is to badger us all through our waiting period but God wants to teach us something while we wait on Him. There is always a “SET TIME” with God. Whenever we ask God the question, “Is it my time yet?” we have to be willing to accept His response with a grateful heart, knowing that ALL THINGS are working together for our good and our waiting is not in vain. We can learn some things about God during this waiting period if we wait in the right spirit and be excited, anticipating a great blessing from God just for our obedience!