We’ve all been there, the “Night Season.” This is a period of time where everything we touch goes wrong; every way we turn seems to be nothing but more agony, pain and disappointments. In fact, each person can give their own testimony of how they felt “IN THEIR NIGHT SEASON.” Even though we could all give a different account, when we dig down deep there will most likely be some comparisons in the midst of our testimonies, because life is what it is. The Night Season is a time when we admit that in this flesh dwelleth no good thing. We can try to ignore it, but it’s still there, right in our face. It’s THE NIGHT SEASON, where everything seemingly stands still. This is a time where even though you’ve prayed, your prayers didn’t change your situation. Oh you know about the night season…… you’ve prayed, you’ve cried and you’ve waited è but change never came! You petitioned the Lord and asked Him, “God, what am I doing wrong in my walk? Why haven’t You answered my prayer? When God, will this test be over? How long do I have to wait before you grant my request?” And on and on we go talking to God and it seems like God is not answering! We’ve heard over the years the saying, “He may not come when you want Him, but He’s right on time!” We even know what the Bible says in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye SHALL HAVE tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” We know all this, but even with this knowledge, it doesn’t seem to ease the pain of THE NIGHT SEASON. It’s actually mind-blowing how God, in all of His wisdom can sit back and say absolutely nothing. You know God hears your words and He knows the sentiments of your heart – but still you’re at a standstill and you ponder the repeating question over and over again……….”God, why haven’t you answered me YET?” Of course, this is where the enemy plays with our head and he tries to convince us that God doesn’t hear or at the least, God is ignoring us. Neither is true – it’s simply “YOUR NIGHT SEASON.”
This is the time that God is actually ‘stretching’ your faith. It is at this time that ‘the trying of your faith’ is really working together for your good. It doesn’t feel like it; nothing’s worse than feeling ignored and deserted by the only person that you know, knows you better than you know yourself. Your questions are never-ending…….”God, what do I do while I’m going through this period of excruciating pain? How do I maintain the strength to go through when I feel like You don’t even understand what I’m dealing with? GOD, isn’t there a way for you to ease the pain and take away the confusion?” We have plenty of questions, but when God stands still without a response, there’s nothing we can do except WAIT. Then the battle of the mind thinks, “WAIT FOR WHAT? What am I waiting on now?” The Night Season is simply a WAITING PERIOD. That’s it. Regardless of what the enemy says, God has not forsaken you neither has He left you alone. If we can just keep our mind lifted above our “feelings” we’ll soon realize that God is working on our behalf. God is very mindful of us. We may not know what’s going on, but if we just endure and maintain the stamina needed to hold on, God will come through even IN YOUR NIGHT SEASON!