Have you ever felt like you wanted something but you weren’t quite sure what it was? You kept replaying it over and over again in your mind, trying to determine what you were hungry for. In fact, you weren’t necessarily hungry because you just ate a meal, but STILL YOU WEREN’T SATISFIED. You had a taste for something more! That’s exactly how it feels when our spirit-man is in need of a “spiritual fix,” meaning its longing to spend time with God. We can try to suffice that empty feeling with food and various pleasures but we soon find out that it didn’t take care of the need on the inside. SPIRITUAL HUNGER is a heart that craves intimacy with GOD. It’s sometimes difficult to view HUNGER in a spiritual sense. Spiritual hunger is the yearning, the craving……the longing for an encounter with God that can’t be filled with natural food è the only way this craving can be satisfied is through the Word of God. There is no substitution for the real thing. Psalm 42:1 says, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” God has prepared a banquet for us – a feast of His presence, but we won’t have the appetite for it if we’re satisfied with being mediocre! We have to grow in the knowledge of God daily. Being satisfied where we are now is not ‘longing’ for God in a greater way. The Bible tells us in Psalms 107:9, God satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. BUT we must meet the requirements of the Word in order to receive the benefits. How Hungry Are You?
Are you hungry enough to follow after the will of God regardless of the cost? Are you desperate for the will of God to be activated in your life, that you’re willing to forsake all others? God wants us to be willing to follow after Him, regardless of what comes or goes. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around us our job is to follow God’s lead and understand that nothing happens unless God allows it to happen to His people – and even through the warfare, God has promised to strength that which remains. We have so many promises in God that we’re not taking advantage of because we’ve lost the HUNGER that we need to have in order to be persistent. We’ve allowed circumstances, disappointments, the state of the nation and all these ‘other things’ to cloud our judgement and lessen our desire to fight. We have to understand that this is warfare and victory is never won by giving up the fight. We have to persevere regardless of what comes our way! We’re not victims, we are victors IN GOD. God knows all and He sees all and before He will allow this world to overtake us – GOD WILL COME BACK AND SNATCH US RIGHT OUT OF THIS WORLD. God is a God of His Word and NO WEAPON that is formed against us shall prosper! That’s God’s Word and it will never return unto Him void, but it has to accomplish WHATSOEVER God sent it out to do. We have a responsibility to STAY HUNGRY FOR GOD! Don’t lose your craving and never give up your desire to seek after God. We are so close to the edge right now – the enemy has shifted to whatever he thinks will entrap us in his effort to pull us away from God…….SO WE HAVE TO FIGHT! Whatever we have to do to make it – do it! If you have to crawl, crawl – but never let go of God. The enemy is using every device he has to block our blessing, BUT the devil is still a liar! We have A RIGHT to every blessing that God has for us……. BUT WE HAVE TO HUNGER FOR THE PRESENCE OF GOD!!! im voicH