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Praise The Lord!

It’s February and many people view this month as one that deals with the heart since it is considered Valentine’s Day month. But we’re not talking about matters of the heart from a human standpoint, our focus is on a matter that goes on every day of the year; it’s the Praise that we render unto God. Our topic this month, “THE INTENSITY OF PRAISE ” involves that part of our heart that a man or a woman can’t touch!  We give God praise because He’s good all the time. Not only are we to give God praise, but our actions must be focused on the INTENSITY OF PRAISE!  Is there another level that we can reach in our praise? God loves us AT ALL TIMES and the love that He has for us does not depend on human circumstances. Regardless of what we’re DEALING WITH we can always intensify our praise!

God Bless,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Today's Scripture

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Thank God for a brand new year!  While we’re very grateful for all that God has done in 2015, we know with a new year comes new blessings, and also new tests and trials. Our topic this month, “TOO MUCH INVESTED” lets us know that the same God that kept us in years past, is able to keep us this year as well!  God has invested too much in us to let us down now! “God is a good God,should ALWAYS be our testimony!” Regardless of what we endured in 2015, we’re still here and we’re ready for BRAND NEW BLESSINGS !!

God Bless You,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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The Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, Inc., 870 St. Clair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, was founded and organized by its present pastor Dr. Sherman S. Watkins in March, 1970...

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870 St. Clair Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201



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