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In this world of ups and downs we will all run into people that put on ways that are NOT sincere, that’s a given. Some are better at hiding what they really think and feel, than are others. Our topic this month, THE FACE OF PRETENSE,” goes into detail of the things that we will encounter in our walk with God. PRETENSE is a false appearance or action intended to deceive. The Bible teaches us to utilize wisdom and to always be aware of the spirits that we entertain. We can tell if that spirit is negative and we have to handle it in the appropriate manner……always being prayerful; because the intention of the enemy is to DECEIVE.

  Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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I Samuel 30:8 Recover All

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“We can all relate to problems or issues that we have to deal with, and how many times, the “nighttime” is the worse time. Whether it’s a sickness, depression or even financial situations……it all seems to be worse during the night.  Our topic this month, “IN YOUR NIGHT SEASON” talks about how the enemy deals with us, mentally and emotionally when we’re less active and we’re not busy doing this, that and the other occupying our thoughts. We can all testify that in this life there will be periods of time that we’ll have to endure the agony; that period when nothing we do seems to go right – but all we have to do is endure and remember, God is faithful to HIS WORD!”

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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The Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, Inc., 870 St. Clair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, was founded and organized by its present pastor Dr. Sherman S. Watkins in March, 1970...

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Columbus, Ohio 43201



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