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Praise The Lord!

The scriptures make it clear that God hears and answers prayer – yet all of us can testify of the various times that we’ve prayed and asked God for immediate action, yet He didn’t respond right away; for some reason HE CHOSE to delay in His response. This can be very irritating to our flesh but more importantly it can be confusing to our understanding of how God works. We know in our walk with God that we should always set God above our earthly matters; but it’s sometimes more easily said that done because we struggle in our flesh. Our topic this month, A DELAY DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN A DENIAL” speaks of those times that we wrestle to do as the WORD instructs all while fighting against the wiles (enticement) of our mind.  

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Praise The Lord!

Some people are known for making threats. We can all name someone that will throw out a threat in every conversation, regardless of what it entails. That’s one of the major tricks of the enemy, he loves to threaten the Believer and he does it through the “what ifs” of life – things that we can’t control. Our topic this month, “I DON’T TAKE TOO KINDLY TO THREATS” focuses on one of the many tricks of the enemy and his goal to place us in bondage……..to his threats! Once we recognize his intention it’s easier to handle because we know who we are and we know that we don’t have to settle for whatever he throws our way because God has us covered!


Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Praise The Lord!


Praise the Lord!

We all get tired from time-to-time. Even for those that consider themselves powerhouses, they get tired as well. We’re human and there is something within this flesh that calls for a time out every once in a while. We can call it fatigue or whatever we choose, but because we’re made of mind, body, soul and spirit, when we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or even spiritual, our body will oftentimes take a break in order to regroup to meet our individual needs. This is certainly normal but the problem comes when we fail to give this timeout, A SET TIME. Our topic this month, “WHEN “TIRED” BECOMES THE ISSUE,” focuses on more than just everyday situations. Even though “tiredness” is a real issue we have to also be mindful of the enemy’s tactics and not allow him to drain our joy or steal our peace. In battle you have to fight! 


Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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The Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, Inc., 870 St. Clair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, was founded and organized by its present pastor Dr. Sherman S. Watkins in March, 1970...

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Columbus, Ohio 43201



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