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Opposition is a word that we all recognize. In fact, in life it’s VARIOUS oppositions that we will encounter along the way. Words such as: resisting, combating, antagonizing or hostility is involved with opposition. We know that as we walk with God we’ll be combated with opposing forces……that’s nothing new. Any time we are in warfare, the spirit against the flesh, we can expect opposition. Our topic this month turns our attention from the negative to the positive, "WHAT CAN OPPOSITION DO FOR ME?" We know that the enemy comes to kill, steal and to destroy, but we choose how we accept whatever he throws our way! We have the power to make it work in our favor if we want to!

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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Have you ever been real hungry and you ate a good meal and felt full... yet there was something that you still wanted but you couldn’t figure it out? You had a full course meal and you definitely weren’t hungry but there was an emptiness of some kind that you couldn’t explain. Our topic this month, "I’M FULL BUT I’M STILL NOT SATISFIED" basically focuses on the discontentment of our desires and the warfare with this flesh never being satisfied

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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HURRY UP AND WAIT - April 2015

God has been so good to me already this year and it seems like it’s just getting started. Times are passing quickly – almost quicker than we can keep up with, but God is still blessing and performing miracles in the midst of His people. For every tactic of the enemy God is still making a way out of no way! Our topic this month, HURRY UP AND WAIT touches on several issues – mainly the fact that God’s ways are not like our ways, neither are His thoughts our thoughts. We always think we know what God should do to resolve our issues but God knows best. There is a time period that God sometimes puts us through that this flesh hates to be bothered with. A WAITING PERIOD that leaves us exhausted and confused. What we have to remember is that God is in control and He already has our solution. We just have to WAIT.

Be Blessed,

Dr. Sherman S. Watkins

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The Higher Ground Always Abounding Assemblies, Inc., 870 St. Clair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, was founded and organized by its present pastor Dr. Sherman S. Watkins in March, 1970...

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Columbus, Ohio 43201



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